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New Vehicle Classification for 2020 and later years. Click here for more details.
Important Change for Motorized Bicycles for 2022. Click here for more details.

Fatal Crashes by Crash Type and Relation to Roadway - State : USA, Year : 2022



Crash Type Relation to Roadway Total
On Roadway Off Roadway - Roadside Off Roadway - Shoulder Off Roadway - Median Off Roadway - Other/Unknown Location* Unknown
Single Vehicle 8,575 10,761 492 1,173 1,053 124 22,178
Multiple Vehicles 16,348 321 109 209 46 10 17,043
Total 24,923 11,082 601 1,382 1,099 134 39,221
*Includes outside trafficway, gore, separator, pedestrian refuge island or traffic island, and off roadway - location unknown.