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  • Summary

    The Summary page for the FARS Web Encyclopedia is the first thing that visitors will see when visiting this site. This page contains a random statistic drawn from the Traffic Safety Facts published each year by the DOT, a table listing the traffic fatality statistics from this day last year.

    The left-hand column on the home page contains a random factoid sample from the "Did You Know?" archives. The "Did You Know?" archives contain interesting and relevant statistics drawn from the Traffic Safety Facts, a compilation of motor vehicle crash data collected by the FARS program. These compilations are published every year by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

  • FARS Data Table

    All the reports in this section are drawn from published FARS data from the relevant year and state.

    • Summary

      • This page contains a random statistic drawn from the Traffic Safety Facts published each year by the DOT, a table listing the traffic fatality statistics from this day last year.
    • Trends

      • The information in this section covers motor vehicle crashes and fatalities over a range of years. By comparing the data sets from year to year, generalized conclusions can be drawn about certain kinds of crashes and fatalities.
    • Crashes

      • This Section presents statistics about motor vehicle crashes according to the most severe injury in the crash: Fatal, Nonfatal Injury (Injury), and Property Damage.
    • Vehicles

      • This section deals specifically with the kinds of vehicles involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes. As such, it is broken down by the kinds of vehicles involved in the crash.
    • People

      • This section provides data on the kinds of people involved and killed in motor vehicle fatalities. This includes drivers, passengers and pedestrians, among others. States- This section provides traffic fatality information for the entire nation, broken down on a state-by-state basis.
  • Query FARS Data

    The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) contains data on all vehicle crashes in the United States that occur on a public roadway and involve a fatality. This FARS Query System provides interactive public access to fatality data through this web interface.

  • State Traffic Safety Info

    This page contains links to publications relating to the FARS program that can be downloaded for further perusal by the user.

  • Traffic Safety Facts

    This page contains data on Traffic Safety Facts annual report tables.

  • Help

    • Site Overview

      • A brief overview of each section in the FARS Encyclopedia web site.
    • Acronyms

      • A list of commonly used acronyms from both the DOT and the FARS program.
    • Terms

      • A glossary of terms that will allow the user to gain a deeper understanding of the data presented in this site.

    A public resource containing FARS data files.

  • Privacy Policy

    The Privacy Policy explains NHTSA's online information practices, including how NHTSA collects and uses your personal information covered on the NHTSA web site.

  • Request Data

    The information provided within this site may not fill the needs of every user. If further information is needed, the DOT can be contacted at the address, phone number and email address provided within this section.

  • Site Map

    A list of links to every section within the FARS Encyclopedia web site.