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New Vehicle Classification for 2020 and later years. Click here for more details.
Important Change for Motorized Bicycles for 2022. Click here for more details.

Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type and Restraint Use - State : USA, Year : 2022



Vehicle Type Restraint Use Total
Used Not Used Unknown
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Passenger Cars 12,636 63.5 5,087 25.6 2,166 10.9 19,889 100.0
Light Trucks 16,972 66.3 6,101 23.8 2,540 9.9 25,613 100.0
Large Trucks 4,693 81.5 635 11.0 432 7.5 5,760 100.0
Buses 177 83.9 17 8.1 17 8.1 211 100.0
Other/Unknown 177 8.0 715 32.1 1,334 59.9 2,226 100.0
Total* 34,655 64.5 12,555 23.4 6,489 12.1 53,699 100.0
* Excludes Motorcycle Riders
Note: Restraint use is determined by police and may be overreported for survivors.

Passenger Vehicle Occupants Killed, by Age and Restraint Use - State : USA, Year : 2022



New FeaturesNote: Map features are enabled for this report (for year 2001 onwards). Please click on the individual counts to display the
crashes on the map. Also, please note that map display takes time if there are more than 250 crash points to locate on the map.
Age (Years) Restraint Use Total
Used Not Used Unknown
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
< 5 169 66.5 66 26.0 19 7.5 254 100.0
5 - 9 122 56.7 70 32.6 23 10.7 215 100.0
10 - 14 118 41.1 130 45.3 39 13.6 287 100.0
15 - 20 974 37.1 1,347 51.3 303 11.5 2,624 100.0
21 - 24 780 35.0 1,147 51.5 301 13.5 2,228 100.0
25 - 34 1,677 34.2 2,623 53.5 606 12.4 4,906 100.0
35 - 44 1,374 37.4 1,862 50.7 435 11.8 3,671 100.0
45 - 54 1,280 43.5 1,339 45.5 325 11.0 2,944 100.0
55 - 64 1,514 50.7 1,212 40.6 258 8.6 2,984 100.0
65 - 74 1,483 59.9 789 31.9 203 8.2 2,475 100.0
> 74 1,893 68.4 703 25.4 173 6.2 2,769 100.0
Unknown 26 41.3 14 22.2 23 36.5 63 100.0
Total 11,410 44.9 11,302 44.5 2,708 10.7 25,420 100.0
Note: Restraint use is determined by police and may be overreported for survivors.

Passenger Vehicle Occupant Survivors of Fatal Crashes, by Age and Restraint Use-State:USA,Year:2022



Age (Years) Restraint Use Total
Used Not Used Unknown
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
< 5 1,229 86.4 127 8.9 67 4.7 1,423 100.0
5 - 9 1,152 80.8 175 12.3 99 6.9 1,426 100.0
10 - 14 1,178 76.1 242 15.6 128 8.3 1,548 100.0
15 - 20 3,990 68.9 1,166 20.1 633 10.9 5,789 100.0
21 - 24 2,993 70.4 741 17.4 518 12.2 4,252 100.0
25 - 34 6,137 73.5 1,350 16.2 857 10.3 8,344 100.0
35 - 44 5,003 78.0 786 12.2 628 9.8 6,417 100.0
45 - 54 3,923 84.7 352 7.6 358 7.7 4,633 100.0
55 - 64 3,336 86.1 273 7.0 267 6.9 3,876 100.0
65 - 74 2,341 88.1 157 5.9 158 5.9 2,656 100.0
> 74 1,345 89.4 75 5.0 85 5.6 1,505 100.0
Unknown 205 17.7 105 9.1 849 73.3 1,159 100.0
Total 32,832 76.3 5,549 12.9 4,647 10.8 43,028 100.0
Note: Restraint use is determined by police and may be overreported for survivors.

Passenger Car Occupants Killed, by Seating Position and Restraint Use - State : USA, Year : 2022



Seating Position Restraint Use Total
Used Not Used Unknown
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Front Seat 5,656 48.5 4,772 40.9 1,229 10.5 11,657 100.0
Left 4,650 47.9 4,036 41.6 1,015 10.5 9,701 100.0
Middle 3 42.9 1 14.3 3 42.9 7 100.0
Right 1,002 51.5 732 37.6 211 10.8 1,945 100.0
Other/Unknown 1 25.0 3 75.0 0 0.0 4 100.0
Second Seat 303 32.7 502 54.1 123 13.3 928 100.0
Left 119 35.7 171 51.4 43 12.9 333 100.0
Middle 20 19.4 69 67.0 14 13.6 103 100.0
Right 160 34.8 241 52.4 59 12.8 460 100.0
Other/Unknown 4 12.5 21 65.6 7 21.9 32 100.0
Other 2 11.8 14 82.4 1 5.9 17 100.0
Unknown 5 5.6 48 53.9 36 40.4 89 100.0
Total 5,966 47.0 5,336 42.0 1,389 10.9 12,691 100.0
Note: Restraint use is determined by police and may be overreported for survivors.

Light Truck Occupants Killed, by Seating Position and Restraint Use - State : USA, Year : 2022



Seating Position Restraint Use Total
Used Not Used Unknown
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Front Seat 5,055 43.9 5,298 46.0 1,160 10.1 11,513 100.0
Left 4,119 42.6 4,575 47.4 968 10.0 9,662 100.0
Middle 5 20.0 18 72.0 2 8.0 25 100.0
Right 930 51.1 701 38.5 188 10.3 1,819 100.0
Other/Unknown 1 14.3 4 57.1 2 28.6 7 100.0
Second Seat 341 39.3 449 51.7 78 9.0 868 100.0
Left 143 41.9 171 50.1 27 7.9 341 100.0
Middle 25 23.8 65 61.9 15 14.3 105 100.0
Right 171 42.5 200 49.8 31 7.7 402 100.0
Other/Unknown 2 10.0 13 65.0 5 25.0 20 100.0
Other 28 17.1 123 75.0 13 7.9 164 100.0
Unknown 20 10.9 96 52.2 68 37.0 184 100.0
Total 5,444 42.8 5,966 46.9 1,319 10.4 12,729 100.0
Note: Restraint use is determined by police and may be overreported for survivors.